
Docker and Docker-Composer

Create Docker Images from Dockerfile with Tag.

$docker build -f mysqlDocker -t mysqlbyrajeev:5.7 .
here: -f : DockerFile Name with location
-t: Docker Tag and with Version

Docker run image in interactive mode.: This command is used to create a new container from an image and then start that container.
$docker run -it <imageName>:<tag>

Check Running Container
docker ps
Output:98de103238d9 mysql:5.7 “docker-entrypoint.s…” About an hour ago Up About an hour 3306/tcp, 33060/tcp optimistic_napier

docker exec: Execute command inside running container or inside running virtual system[Container] $Docker exec
command Format :
docker exec <imageName> <commandName>
command Name:
Any command that applicable for the running container as per container operating system.
$docker exec my_container ls /path/to/directory
docker exec -it mysqlImage mysql -uroot -p

Docker remove images by imageId
$docker rmi imageId



Dr. Rajeev Rathor

PhD [IOT+AI], M.Tech [CSE] , B.Tech, 14 Years exp s from Product Development in Java, Backend, Data Engineering, IOT plaeform